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Happy Friday, Folks – Jeff here!

It’s that time of year again to be in a giving mood, and boy am I feeling “jolly.”

FIRST – I want to invite you to a COMPLIMENTARY training session today at 11AM EST in the RB Master’s Room.  I’ll be LIVE and finding today’s TOP THREE IDEAS I’m going to send to Bullseye Unlimited members.  Come join me to learn EXACTLY what I look for in order to find TRIPLE-DIGIT potential. 

And SECOND… Not only did I POUND THE TABLE telling folks that Wednesday’s sell-off would bring dip buyers back into the market (did you see yesterday’s rally?), but today, just for you, I am about to show you where the next big opportunity is.

And that opportunity is in the semiconductor sector. 

Better yet, opportunity now exists on multiple levels in this sector. 

You see, after you’ve been trading for as long as I have (20+ years), you learn to strip price action down to its MANY levels.

And that, my friends, is how you will NEVER run out of ideas to trade.

Being that I am responsible for generating at least 3 of my best trading ideas PER DAY for my Bullseye Unlimited members, I have pretty much become a master at it.

This first chart shows the big-picture opportunity in the iShares Semiconductor ETF (SOXX) right now, where price collapsed by 3.2% during Wednesday’s sell-off, compared to just a 1.4% drop in SPY.

That’s the first opportunity, which is to start looking for short ideas in the SOXX when a top finally develops in the market.

You see, as a trained economist, that relative weakness tells me that the outsized rally prior to Wednesday’s drop, AND what is likely to be an oversold bounce in interest rates, soon make the SOXX more vulnerable than most sectors when a top finally develops. 

The next opportunity is in the form of volatility.

This next chart shows that a multi-month decline in the SOXX, volatility appears to be reversing.

This presents a MASSIVE opportunity for a wide range of options strategies.

Lastly, I have identified a stock that, after a recent IPO, has not only been showing relative strength vs. the market but is now breaking out of a bullish “flag” pattern.

Now, I just delivered that stock to my Bullseye Unlimited members, and it is not too late to take advantage of the breakout.

Folks, you owe it to yourself to take this gift and run with it in the New Year.

To join a community of traders who are learning EVERY DAY how to use the right options strategies to capture volatility changes and relative strength developments like these.

Heck, just look at all of the 100% movers I identified for my Bullseye Unlimited members last week alone. 

Note: Trading is hard, results not guaranteed and should not be expected to be replicated typically.

Seriously, Folks…. REREAD THAT 👆!!!  That is 11 triple-digit bangers 💥in one week alone, in a service that delivers 3 trading ideas a day – so you do the math!

Can you imagine how AWESOME 2024 could be with this type of info at your disposal?

Folks, as great as I am at trading, I couldn’t deliver this many terrific ideas without a little help.

What I am relying on is my $15,000 worth of Artificial Intelligence tools that I use with my blockbuster Gamma Trigger System to deliver those high-probability trade ideas like this PER DAY to my Bullseye Unlimited members!!!

I am taking the mystery out of Artificial Intelligence and doing all the hard work for you, because I Do Not want you to be left behind.

Without AI in your daily trading, you are at a disadvantage.

There’s a MASSIVE seasonal pattern approaching called the January Effect, so join me NOW to get ready with THREE of my best AI-generated, high-probability trades before this offer ends.

My next 3 awesome ideas are dropping TODAY so join ME at 11AM EST…!

Quit being left behind on this fantastic ride 🎢

To YOUR success,

Jeff Bishop

P.S. Have you considered upgrading to ELITE, where you’ll get that fancy badge to use in CHAT. Call our concierge team with any questions 1-(800)-585-4488.

*sponsored by Masterworks

When the painting by master Claude Monet (you may have heard of him) was bought for $6.8 million and sold for a cool $8 million just 631 days later, investors in shares of the offering received their share of the net proceeds. 

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How does it work? Simple, Masterworks files each offering with the SEC so that nearly anyone can invest in highly coveted artworks for just a fraction of the price of the entire piece. 

Shares of every offering are limited, but readers can skip the waitlist with this exclusive link.

Past performance is not indicative of future returns, investing involves risk. See disclosures: masterworks.com/cd 

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