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(NEW) Party 🥳 I Bold move 💪 I Bolder move 💪💪💪 

Yes…So Long, $10,000 Goal 👋

But NO I’m not done…

Keep reading👇

Hey Folks!

Please join Jason tonight at 8pm EST for a special training in Small Account Journey – he’s STOKED right now, and that’s always fun to see (see the PS message)!

And yesterday was just as INTENSE as I thought it would be 😅, at least after the Fed news dropped at 2pm.

Before then, it was a pretty boring day of trading actually.  After 2pm… it was pure fireworks the rest of the day!

If it wasn’t clear before, the Fed is not considering raising rates anytime in the foreseeable future.  They are actually leaning towards rate cuts again, probably before summer.

The market sure loves that news!  Lower rates means cheap money can start flowing back into stock again, and take an already elevated stock market even higher.

Don’t get too excited though. The economy is weakening across the board.  The reason inflation is coming down is because demand is down.  Simply put – people can’t afford to buy stuff!

I don’t get paid for economic opinions, I get paid when I trade well.  Even if there is a big problem with the economy coming up, the market is full steam ahead right now and I am not going to get in the way of that!

Here is an excerpt from my morning email to my Alpha Hunter members on how I’m planning to approach the Market (locked 🔐content for Members only, so join today if you want to follow along and learn from HOW I trade WHAT I trade in there):

I will continue to look for spots to “buy the dips,” not get cute and try to fade the rallies.

You can expect to see me put on several new trades today and tomorrow.  

I am looking closely at 🔐 and 🔐 right now (locked, for Alpha Hunter members only).  It has been a very good month of trading for me so far, and I don’t want to put that at risk so I will slowly start adding trades as I think they make sense.

Keep an eye on those app alerts for moves I’m making during the day.

🔐  (small sized) Dec 15 – 🔐 put spread for  🔐.  1 day in, now now  🔐.  I would like to hold this into expiration for 100% win, but I will keep an eye on this this week.

My target strike price to sell is ($):

For selling put spreads:  🔐, 🔐 

For selling call spreads:  🔐 

This is an example of a typical daily email from me for Members.  Of course, they get App alerts or can access them from the Bell in the Dash anytime I make a trade – I make it as easy to follow along as possible.

Right now as you can see I already passed my $10,000 Goal for December.  But NO I am not quitting while I’m ahead (said no trader ever!).  LOL.

Join me and do a deep dive over the holidays and set yourself up to be a better trader in the New Year!

Right now Monthly and LIFETIME options available – so you can SET IT and Forget it!

Would love to have you with me!

To YOUR success,

Jeff Bishop

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