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Hey Folks,

Below, I’ve attached an inside look into my morning emails I send to my Alpha Hunter members.

But first… I’m still duking it out 🥊this month to cross that $10,000 mark but I am getting so close I can SMELL IT!

Note: Trading is hard, results not guaranteed and should not be expected to be replicated typically.

Folks, I’ve had to increase my nimbleness 🧘 to navigate these weak-A** markets so I’ve traded all types of selling options strategies in Alpha Hunter this month, including:

👉Iron Condors

👉Bull Puts

👉Bull Calls

👉Bear Calls

👉Bull Call Spreads

👉Bear Call Spreads

👉Long Put Spreads

👉Long Call Spreads

Think you can’t learn this?  Think again… stick in there with me and I’ll teach you how even an old dog can learn new tricks!  Just take it from these guys:

Yes, I have lots of trading resources to help you learn all my favorite options selling strategies -> YOU just need to make the decision to apply yourself!

And AS promised, here’s a snippet of what a typical morning round-up looks like from me so you can see my thought processes and WHY I make the trading decisions I make…

Email to Alpha Hunter members 1/17/24

It was a solid day of trading for me yesterday to start the week.

I had a good read on the markets, and started to make bets that we were going to stall, and possibly head lower.

The trade I leaned into, which I felt had the biggest potential to drop, was IWM, of course, as it was my Bullseye idea this week, and I also added a long IWM put spread during the day as well.

That trade obviously looks pretty fantastic this morning, with IWM dropping in premarket.

I also set up a short call spread on QQQ that expires this week.  I think I will take half of QQQ and IWM off the table this morning to lock in a profit, and then let the rest run for a while longer.

My overnight QQQ condor should be ok.  I will try to close it in the low $.20 range, if I can get there.  Most likely, I will exit the call side of this to lock in profits there and then wait a while for volatility to die down so I can exit the put side as well.

I also closed out the CELH long call spread.  This was because of my bearish stance on the market and the fact it was flirting with giving up a nice profit I had at one point.  I decided it was best to lock in a small profit, instead of letting this go red on me.  That’s always my rule, and it looks like it was right.

AVGO is the only straggler right now. It just won’t break down, and that is mainly due to the strength of NVDA and semiconductors overall (once again, Bullseye pick last week – pay attention to those ideas!)

I would add to short positions on any bounce today.  I don’t think a rally will stick.  If things drop a lot, then I plan to close out all of IWM and QQQ shorts.

Along with this daily reasoning, I lay out my positions clearly and my watchlist.

Hope that gives you a little more taste of how Alpha Hunter works – I’d love to have you join the crew so give it a good look and make the leap TODAY!

To YOUR success,

💥More GREAT trading resources:

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