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Gutting it out in Small Account Journey

*Current Balance: $2,000 – $7,315 or 266%


*Trading is hard, results not guaranteed and should not be expected to be replicated typically.

Hey Folks, 

What a wild start to the New Year! 🎉

Who in the world (besides yours truly) was betting on a big drop to start the year?

It was a pretty predictable move if you are following the indicators I keep telling you to pay attention to.  

Don’t just look for great stock ideas when you attend my next live session, take notes and ask questions! 📝

At the very least, I hope you have been listening to me and avoided some tough losses.  If you really have been taking notes, then I hope you’ve been making money on this downturn!

I am happy to announce that the SIXTH month is officially in the books for Alpha Hunter.  

It was a fairly active month, and I had a little over 20 trades. 

Here are all the trades I made and executed.  You can see not all are wins – but most are!

Note: Trading is hard, results not guaranteed and should not be expected to be replicated typically.

I ended with a positive gain of $16,279 – not too shabby!

I don’t know how your December went, but I was pretty happy with my performance.  

Those profits definitely lightened the blow to my wallet while traveling with my family all over the East Coast during the holiday week.

As I reflect on the past month, there are TWO trades I may be most proud of that I want everyone to learn from (and it isn’t my biggest winner or loser).

The first is the “SCRATCH” on MSFT you see in the sheet above.  

Why would I be proud of a $20 winner?

The reason is that it showed a lot of discipline as a trader – this is something I want all of us to focus on in 2024!

Even though my heart was telling me that MSFT was a favorite stock to trade at the time, it broke down the very day after I bought it. The reason I entered the trade was no longer valid, so I pushed a couple of buttons and got out of the trade.

By not getting emotionally involved in the stock, and sticking to my rules, I  avoided a BIG loss that was right around the corner.

The SECOND is the QQQ trade the last week of the month, where I bet against the market. 🤯

Sure, making $1600+ in a week is great, but the reason this was a stellar trade was because I once again was not emotional about the stock.

Last Wednesday, when I made the trade, QQQ was hitting its all-time high 📈.

No one else in their RIGHT MIND was betting against the Market last week – if you looked at the charts, you would have thought I was crazy!!!

Here is what I was waiting for, and then I pounced on it when it happened…

I knew the odds of a drop were high, and if I was wrong, there was very little downside.  

That is the perfect risk/reward setup I am looking for!

If I was listening to everyone on social media and the news, then I would have never made this trade.  They were all babbling about how this market will never break, etc…

Cooler heads prevailed, once again, and I locked in a winner.

Now, I am getting started on my attack on 2024.

I just opened 3 new trades this week with Alpha Hunter members. 

One of them, I already closed out for over a $1400 profit. (Trading is hard, results not guaranteed and should not be expected to be replicated typically.)

I have two other trades on TSLA and NVDA right now that I am very optimistic about, though nothing is ever guaranteed in trading.

If you need to learn how to spot great trades and the best strategies to capitalize on them, then look no further than Alpha Hunter.

I am a master of my craft, and I am an excellent trader / teacher.

I am giving you the opportunity to work directly with me.  

➡️See every trade I make with this service.  

➡️Get every app alert to your phone.  

➡️Read every email I send.  

➡️Watch every training video I have available.

If you let another year go by without learning how to harness the power of selling options and my custom strategies, then you are letting an incredible opportunity slip away from you.

Don’t settle for another year of lackluster returns. 

You can do better.

You NEED to do better this year.

Make this the year you finally take trading seriously, and put my powerful strategies to work.

If you missed the end-of-year sale we just wrapped up, or if you were just too scared to pull the trigger, I am giving you one more opportunity right now.

For just $27, you can test drive absolutely everything that Alpha Hunter has to offer.

If you don’t like it, there is no commitment to continue.  But what in the world wouldn’t you like about it?! 

This is the first (and probably the only) time I have made this offer, and you can bet it will not last for long.

I’m going to keep crushing trades.  I’d love to have you on the team with me.

To YOUR success,

Jeff Bishop

P.S. Don’t forget to join Jason in his ROADMAP room tonight at 8pm EST — he has an INCREDIBLE offer going on in Small Account Journey (set to expire tonight!).

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