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Butterfly 🦋 I Passed 9k 👋 I Christmas Not Over🧑‍🎄

Happy Friday, Folks!

After such a strong December for the major US stock indices like SPY and QQQ, am I crazy for making a bet against the market right now?

Like Jason Bourne said, “I don’t do random.” 

That’s because after 20+ years of trading, everything I do is for a reason.

And right now, this momentum divergence I am seeing as QQQ extends to the top of my Custom Keltner Band study has caused me to teach my Alpha Hunter members how to set up a very strategic option trade.

Just look objectively at this chart, and use some common sense.  Do you really think this will keep moving higher over the next month without having a small, 3% pullback?

I think that is very likely to happen, and the market is giving me “stupid” odds of that occurring.

In fact, I have just set up a trade where I can lose 50% l… or possibly make 440% if I’m right.

I’m not talking about a coin flip here.  I am looking to have a serious payday if I am right.

The trade I am using to bet that the market will take a breather up here is known as a Butterfly Options trade.

“Jeff, this sounds too complicated for me.  Why are you making this so hard?”

Look, if you want to muddle through 2023 with mediocre returns, then keep doing what everyone else is doing.  

Personally, I am willing to learn and make new types of trades that have the potential to really amplify my returns. It is worth stepping outside of the box a little and get creative.

The options market provides so many opportunities beyond simply buying calls and puts.

I want you to grow as a trader in 2024 and learn how to put new strategies in place that fit your risk tolerance, personality, and the lifestyle you want to have.

I am not saying they will give you the “lifestyle of your dreams,” I am saying you can adjust your trading to fit your lifestyle and time constraints.

Like this week, I was not able to trade much because I was traveling ✈️. 

Does that mean I quit trading and lose the opportunity to make money?  NO WAY!

I chose to set up trades that didn’t require a lot of “babysitting” yet could still give the chance to make money and hopefully pay for some of those expenses I have with a family on the road (and it did!)

Bottom line is my goal is to teach you to LIMIT YOUR RISK and not have to stress over your trades (so you can have a life!).

But let me break it down again for you as I did in yesterday’s email:

✅ It’s a strategic approach for balanced returns.

The “Butterfly 🦋 spread” is an options trading strategy renowned for its versatility and potential benefits. In this approach, an investor combines multiple options contracts to create a position resembling a butterfly’s wings. Here are the key advantages:

✅ Limited Risk, Limited Reward:

Butterfly spreads are known for providing a well-defined risk-reward profile. The upfront cost of establishing the trade is the maximum potential loss, making it an appealing strategy for risk-averse investors seeking controlled outcomes.

✅ Cost-Efficient Strategy:

By simultaneously buying and selling options with different strike prices, traders can reduce the initial capital outlay, making it accessible to a broader range of investors.

✅ Versatility Across Market Conditions:

Butterfly spreads can be effective in various market scenarios. Whether anticipating a stable market, expecting low volatility, or positioning for a slight price movement, this strategy can be tailored to suit different outlooks, offering traders a versatile tool for different market conditions.

Now, this last point is critical, because right now I am also respecting the seasonal tailwinds that have been at play in recent years.

In fact, when we look at this next chart, December 2022 is the only instance in the past 5 years where the market has failed to gain momentum into the New Year. 

*Trading is hard, results not guaranteed and should not be expected to be replicated typically.

Now, I am not guaranteeing that will happen again in January 2024…

But I am using this opportunity to teach my Alpha Hunter members the IMMENSE value of this easy-to-use options strategy, when faced with current market conditions.

Traders can make adjustments to this trade, including widening or narrowing the spread, rolling positions to different expiration dates, or turning the butterfly into an iron butterfly by incorporating put options. 

This flexibility enhances the strategy’s adaptability to changing market dynamics.

Here’s something I can promise you…

Right now, until December 31st ONLY, I am opening the doors to this HUGELY popular service at the absolute lowest price of the year.

It’s my SPECIAL gift to you this holiday season, and it WILL NOT LAST! 💰

With this one Butterfly trade I am making against QQQ, I think this single trade can net me over 400% in profits, while keeping my losses contained, even if I am wrong.

I can’t guarantee next year of course, but since I started Alpha Hunter this year, I have been averaging over $10,000 /mo in profits (showing members all of my trades as I make them), while only having trade sizes of around $3500.

I am going to continue to dial this in, and I hope to achieve even better results in 2024!

If this sounds like something you could use in your own trading, then I urge you to make the move to join Alpha Hunter before we take down the blowout pricing on Dec 31st.

If you continue to hesitate, you will be left behind AGAIN. 

To YOUR success,

P.S.  If you have any questions about how you can get added to my “Alpha Hunter” program or want to grab my LIVE chat today in MarketMasters for a steal, just call Jeff Brown @ 800-585-4488 or email ([email protected])!

Tired of Hallmark Christmas movies? I got you…

Operation January Commencing! 

Are you ready to CHARGE???

Join Jeff and his army on their next $10,000/month mission!

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