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Take a Cue from AI Brandon Staley…

When Creative Commons has nothing you need…

Figure out YOUR excuse for Monday Morning…

I don’t know about you, but that AI version of Coach Staley kind of let me down… I’m not sure what exactly I expected to see, but maybe something that looked a little more like him?  I don’t know…

Perhaps my expectations are too high because of how impressed I’ve been with my AI tools in trading lately.  I think they’ve given me an extra edge in this over-extended market. I’m not the only one who’s noticed!

Why, thank you — TradeBlazer!

Yes, I’ve been BLOWING THEM OUT OF THE WATER – especially lately…

Three weeks ago, my pick of the week made an 1800% move in just 6 days! (It actually went on to make a potential 2300% move… but who’s counting?!)  

Although I personally think AFRM is a piece of GARBAGE, we (my AI and I) put our collective thinking together and developed a trade plan that MORE than delivered:

Trading is hard, results not guaranteed and should not be expected to be replicated typically.

And TWO weeks ago,  the options on our CVNA pick made well over a 100% move on the FIRST DAY 💪💪💪.

Those calls are now sitting 600% higher from where I alerted them!

And just this past week??? SNOW Calls FTW!

You can see from the timestamps on my alerts below – this one took me less than 3 hours to bank a 100% move!

Note: Trading is hard, results not guaranteed and should not be expected to be replicated typically.

I actually made TWO Bullseye trades on this last week – alerting my members to the second opportunity on SNOW I (and my AI) spotted!

Here is a shot of the “bonus” trade I sent to everyone on Wednesday this week, when I spotted a second great opportunity last week…

Note: Trading is hard, results not guaranteed and should not be expected to be replicated typically.

When you have a great idea, why not go back to it as often as you can?

For the record, those options I alerted on Monday made a potential move over 300% higher just a few days after I shared my complete weekly game plan.

2300%… 600%… 300%… I can’t wait to see how THIS WEEK’S idea is going to perform!

I have set the bar pretty high, and I’ll be going after what I think will be this week’s best trade.  

If you want to be there with me, then you need to make sure you get on my Bullseye Trade email list before the market opens today.  

Don’t do that – join me (and my AI!) TODAY in time for Monday’s next drop!

Next Pick Drops In:

Give me a chance and see if you want to add this team to your trading arsenal!

To YOUR success,

Jeff Bishop

P.S.  For any questions, reach out to Jeff Brown @ [email protected] or 1-800-585-4488. And to bypass Bullseye Trades, go for Bullseye Unlimited – where you’ll get my TOP THREE picks DAILY!  Let’s go!

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