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Hello Trader,


With the Fed essentially spiking its punchbowl with fentanyl lately, it’s time to rethink your trading plan.

It just so happens that, at 8:00 PM EST this coming Thursday, Raging Bull’s own Ben Sturgill is holding the company’s next major event SPECIFICALLY meant to teach traders how to “Fix” their strategy in this chaotic market.

As a former professional athlete, Ben knows how important it is to change tactics when conditions get tough.

So at 8:00 PM EST on Thursday, Ben’s going to reveal how he has spotted moves like 78% on CPB, 241% on CVX, and 442% on UNG recently.

But time’s running out, so you must register here in the little time that remains.

WAIT, as a special bonus for simply registering, you’ll receive Ben’s all-new Trade Plan Checklist. But you have to register

In addition to being one of the best traders I’ve ever met, Ben’s also one of the nicest guys you’ll come across. 

That said, I know he’ll be thrilled to see you at his event on Thursday

For me and my Bullseye Trade franchise, well, let’s just say it’s been a really good run since late March. 

But the strong streak of trade ideas is not what I want to focus on this week.

Instead, I just have to share with you what some of my members have been telling me about this past week’s Bullseye Trade




So what was the trade idea everyone is so thrilled about?

Here is an actual image of the plan I delivered to my Bullseye Trade members PRIOR TO THE MARKET OPEN on Monday.

trade details

And what happened right after this alert?

FDX chart

Friends, that’s > 200% movement IN JUST ONE DAY!

Need I remind you how important it is for trades to move this quickly to fight time decay when buying calls?

Well, without joining me for my next Bullseye Trade which is fast approaching before the market opens on Monday, there’s not much else I can do here.

And with next week’s calendar bringing a boatload of new macro events like the FOMC minutes, as well as inflation and GDP data, I hope you’ve got a plan.

I sure do!

To YOUR Success!

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Jeff Bishop

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